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Take the Stress Out of Your Dental Visit with Nitrous Oxide

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Visiting the dentist can be a stressful experience for many people. You may even be one of them. Your discomfort may range from mild apprehension to a full-blown dental phobia. Fear of the dentist is very common, and Dr. Jessica Gorelik understands that. But if your fear of the dentist has you skipping appointments, or living with damaged or painful teeth, it is time you talked to us about doing something about it. The answer may be nitrous oxide.

Nitrous oxide is very safe and has been widely used in many dental practices for years. In fact, many dentists prefer to use it for the sedation of children. It is mixed with oxygen and is delivered through a mask placed over the nose. It will leave you feeling very relaxed, but not unconscious. You can still communicate with the dental staff if necessary, and when the appointment is over, the gas will be removed, and the effects will wear off within minutes. You will feel no after-effects and will be able to drive yourself home.

If you have been putting off visiting the dentist because of anxiety, then why not make an appointment at 201 Dental Care in Fort Lee, New Jersey, and talk to us about nitrous oxide? You can call 201-944-1969 today to plan your visit.

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