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Don’t Let Sleep Apnea Keep You up at Night

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Do you find yourself waking up irritable after a night of snoring and heart palpitations? Do you wake up during the night feeling anxious and out of breath? If you are overly sleepy in the daytime, and you experience headaches and memory loss, you might be experiencing a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This disorder means that a patient stops breathing (through the nose or mouth) for ten seconds or longer at a time.

If you have sleep apnea and don’t know it, you are at increased medical risk for other health problems such as stroke, heart attack, and increased blood pressure. To determine whether you have this sleep disorder you will need an evaluation using technology which can assess your nocturnal breathing by monitoring your activity. Once you have a diagnosis you can treat the condition.

If you have a hard time falling or staying asleep, or you awaken gasping and feeling as if you are choking, you may benefit from the treatment options available for sleep apnea. We recommend coming in to work with our dentist to find out how best to treat your condition.

To find out more about sleep apnea and a customized sleep therapy appliance designed to help you overcome your sleep disorder, we invite you to give our team a call at 201 Dental Care in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Dr. Jessica Gorelik looks forward to helping you get the quality sleep you deserve. Please call 201-944-1969 today!

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