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Fort Lee, NJ 07024
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Improvements in Oral Health Care: Water Flossers

Are you familiar with the benefits of a water flosser? If you are noticing a downturn in your oral health, it could be linked to issues with brushing and flossing your teeth. Rather than trying to repair your dental flossing tools if they are giving you problems, switch them out for alternative interdental cleaners such as water flossers. Concerns associated... read more »

Your Smile and Gum Disease Symptoms and Risk Factors

Are you aware of risk factors for gum disease that can arise and what you can do to help minimize their effects? Several symptoms can arise to let you know that you are suffering from gum disease, so it will need to be treated properly. At times when your gums are not working effectively, and you are suffering from gum... read more »

A Tooth Suffering from Cracked Enamel Might Need a Dental Crown

Bad oral habits like crunching on ice or chewing on foreign objects can apply significant force to the biting surfaces of your teeth. A similar threat is also posed by unconsciously grinding your teeth while sleeping. In some of these scenarios so much force is applied to the tooth enamel that it chips, fractures or potentially cracks a tooth. Even... read more »

Take the Stress Out of Your Dental Visit with Nitrous Oxide

Visiting the dentist can be a stressful experience for many people. You may even be one of them. Your discomfort may range from mild apprehension to a full-blown dental phobia. Fear of the dentist is very common, and Dr. Jessica Gorelik understands that. But if your fear of the dentist has you skipping appointments, or living with damaged or painful... read more »

Focus Your Oral Health Care on Dental Bridges

It is important to always care and maintain your smile. If you ever let your smile fall into disrepair, it can affect all aspects of your life. in order to maintain a healthy life and a healthy lifestyle, keep your smile strong. This includes daily cleaning habits with a full set of teeth. If you're missing any teeth, consider a... read more »

Sugar Affects Your Teeth

The holidays are here, and with them come a plethora of sweet treats. Now, you’ve probably heard that a lot of sugar is bad for your teeth. But do you know why? To understand why you should limit sugar for oral health, it is important to understand what it does to your teeth. There are bacteria that live in your... read more »

Which Dental Products are Safe for Pregnant Women?

  There’s no time when it’s more key to clean your teeth and gums than when you’re brushing for two. By using the right oral products, you can help your baby-to-be advance strong and healthy chompers as you save your own oral health. Use the tips below to ensure your pearly whites are as strong as they can be for... read more »

Keep Your Smile in Tip-Top Shape During Sports with Sports Dentistry

If you play high-contact sports and activities, then sports dentistry can benefit you in many ways. In fact, this branch of dentistry focuses on the prevention and treatment of oral injuries and oral diseases related to sports and exercise. With its help, you can maintain a top-notch smile and oral health while you’re active. Unfortunately, most oral injuries occur during... read more »

Successful Smiles Feature Effective Oral Health Care Methods

Your oral health care often depends on making the right decisions. The difference between a good smile and a great smile often breaks down to the treatment it receives. If you suffer from any ailments that may arise or issues and problems that can occur, it’s always important to have effective planning and treatments in place. Listed below are a... read more »

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