Are you familiar with the benefits of a water flosser? If you are noticing a downturn in your oral health, it could be linked to issues with brushing and flossing your teeth. Rather than trying to repair your dental flossing tools if they are giving you problems, switch them out for alternative interdental cleaners such as water flossers.
Concerns associated with previous restorations and treatments in your mouth do arise in connection with cleaning between teeth. If for any reason any previous treatment services such as bridges or dentures are in your way, it may be possible to continue to wash them out with water flossers.
Water flossers are effective because they help spray a beam of water directly on your teeth. Without the use of thread, they are easy to operate and can be used if you have joint pain or are getting up there in years. Water flossers are considered just as effective as dental floss for cleaning between teeth as they have shown they can wash away plaque buildup and debris that can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.
When you are ready to schedule an oral exam and professional cleaning with 201 Dental Care at our dentist office in Fort Lee, New Jersey, you can call us at 201-944-1969. Dr. Jessica Gorelik and our entire team look forward to improving your smile.