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A Small Cavity Might Be Repaired by Having a Dentist Apply a Standard Dental Filling

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A cavity caused by poor oral hygiene often starts out small, and might only cause minimal discomfort, or sensitivity. With early diagnosis, Dr. Jessica Gorelik might be able to repair a small cavity with a basic dental filling. This treatment can often be performed in single outpatient appointment at her dental office in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Dr. Jessica Gorelik will first need to perform a thorough examination of the tooth. This might also include taking some X-rays to make sure the cavity hasn’t affected the critical internal structures of the tooth.

Dr. Jessica Gorelik will then help you understand your numbing option. This often calls for injecting some form of procaine into the underlying gums. Once the area has been sufficiently numbed, she will use a drill to remove all traces of decayed tooth enamel.

Dr. Jessica Gorelik might recommend a composite resin dental filling, which is made from a special type of plastic material that can be color shaded to match the surrounding tooth enamel. This makes them a good choice for repairing a cavity on a tooth that will be prevalent in your smile.

If you have any questions about how to improve your daily oral hygiene routine, you should feel free to ask Dr. Jessica Gorelik. Sometimes a minor change can be a major benefit for maintaining the health of your mouth.

If you live in the Fort Lee, New Jersey, area and you are concerned that a cavity has formed on one of your teeth, you should call 201-944-1969 to have the tooth examined and treated by the dental specialists at 201 Dental Care.

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